Beginners Guide To Vapourising

  When looking to use cannabis therapeutically, it’s important to understand affective methods to ensure a safe and effective means to ease your symptoms.  This article will focus on using a vaporiser for dry herb or concentrates, as opposed to e-cigs witch can also be used.  I personally prefer to vape cannabis, as opposed to Read more about Beginners Guide To Vapourising[…]

What Has The World Come Too

What’s the world come too It’s not about love, tolerance and compassion The one’s in so called charge Are causing poverty Are causing destruction Are causing blame Are causing infighting People are up in arms But what about? What’s being done for our starving children The one’s criminalized for having compassion The big bullies running Read more about What Has The World Come Too[…]

People Are Scared To Plant A Seed

People are scared to plant a seed They are scared to buy What they need to grow a seed Once this seed has reached maturity it has amazing capabilities It has the potential to kill cancer cells Ease the symptoms of MS Stop pain Regulate hormones, temperature, alkalinity Strange then really don’t you think As Read more about People Are Scared To Plant A Seed[…]

A beginners guide; How to dose and administer Cannabis Oil

First time patients regularly ask me, “what do I do with it?”  To make this easier, I’ve written this “how to” guide. But please remember everyone has their own ways of using their oil and its about finding what works best for you. Patients usually buy their Cannabis Oil on the black market, so may Read more about A beginners guide; How to dose and administer Cannabis Oil[…]

The Effect Of Cannabis On The well Being of A Crohn’s Patient

Every single day I talk to people who are not well; every single day I talk to people who are lost confused and scared. I do our best with the knowledge, resources and skills we have to illuminate peoples paths so they can see that bit more clearly where they are and what steps can Read more about The Effect Of Cannabis On The well Being of A Crohn’s Patient[…]